This is the entrance to my Digital Garden. It's a way for me to share my working notes, and ideas that I'm tinkering with. There are many inspirations for this, but one of them is Andy Matuschak's idea of [Working with the garage door up]( You can learn more about the concept of Digital Gardens [[Digital Garden|here]]. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to structure my notes, so for now you'll just have to muck around and hope you stumble upon something interesting. One place to start is my list of [[Essential Questions]]. These are questions that form my lifelong curriculum. You could also check out my [[Pillars of Practice]]. And you can access my Top of Mind archive [[Top of Mind (Archived)|here]]. # Top of Mind ## October 2024 I haven't written a Top of Mind in awhile. I've simply been too busy with life. This essay in Noema, urging us to give up hope and turn to heroism, is making me want to re-read Lord of the Rings - LOTR helped me get through a particular dark time in my life. And it looks like we are collectively already in dark times. This talk by Tom Chi on the state of the planet is very sobering. He predicts that when we look back on these years, we will call them the Big Loss years, because of the sheer acreage of biodiversity that we are losing, from wetlands to coral reefs: